Monday, May 11, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday

I finally met the new neighbors next to me in my building. They are a younger couple with an adorable little girl who is about 10 months old or so. VERY NICE people, and beautiful as well, they should be J Crew models. :)Unfortunately we met for the first time last night under crazy circumstances. The influx of Community College students into our complex has made is noisey and littered with beer cans and cups. Last night was the worst with someone throwing a bottle into the middle of the complex parking lot. Nice.

I get it, you are college students, and community college students at that, which means you are very young. Problem is, you are not living on campus, you are living in a complex with adults who have families and jobs to get to in the morning and your parties are an annoyance to everyone else. Especially annoying when you are screaming and falling down, parking in tenants spots (and opening car doors into our cars), smashing bottles and littering your drunken trash all over our complex grounds. Seriously, go home to Mommy and Daddy and get a summer job...PLEASE!

My neighbor called the police on them last night. 4 cop cars ended up coming and breaking things up and taking the underaged morons with them. My complex seems to be extremely laid back about this since this is the only time the cops have been called to my knowledge, and there have been many parties. I've been there, done that and I still enjoy a good party, but once it spills out of an apartment and affects everyone and their property, then it's an issue. I think the new management made a bad decision to open up to College students. The complex never had any students and is a reason why I moved here and not other complexes in the area that rented to students. The Student population is one of the many reasons I will not be renewing my lease at the end of August. I am very happy to have nice neighbors in my building though.

Let's Get Politcal for a second: Have you heard the spewing of Dick Cheney Lately? Granted, I am using an msn link, but this guy is such a BLOW. Always has been, always will be. Now he is endorsing Rush Limbaugh and slamming Colin Powell? I have such respect for Colin Powell, though I may not agree with everything he says, he is an amazing man. Since when should Rush Limbaugh be the head of the GOP? The trouble with the Republican party is old Blows like Cheney and Limbaugh thinking that the old school, grey haired boys club can still hold onto the Republican party even if it has to strangle it to death to do it. They have run the party into the ground by the way they pick their candidates: "Because all our cronies have to have their turn". Our political process is seriously fucked people. The only reason I am registered is so that I can vote in NYS primaries, I don't subscribe to the views of either party. The Democrats are double-talking bleeding hearts and the Republicans are double-talking old farts. They are ALL corrupt, they are ALL in it for themselves and they are sucking the life out of this country.

My God Son Evan and I were ready for our long awaited overnight Friday. We watched the A-Team (talk about flashback for me!!), we played Wii and Linny made yummy Rhubarb pie. Here is a pic of us in our Batman Pjs!

Wow, that was a typical CC rant post. Wanted to leave you with a smile though, and how can you not smile thinking about BATMAN PJs?????

Enjoy the beginning of another week all!

PS) It's Chantal's B-day today!


Blogger Sparkles said...

You're right.. I did smile at the Batman PJs! Love 'em :) You are so cute with the PS too! Thank you!!

2:36 PM, May 11, 2009  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

Unfortunately, it's the end of the year...the little "rabbits" come out of their "hutches" and go crazy. Perhaps if the tenants call the police enough times, your management folks will decide that it is not worth having students in their units!
AND - I love the Batman PJ's1 Evan was so happy to have Aunt carol come for an overnight!!

3:02 PM, May 11, 2009  

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