Monday Madness!
Had a great weekend with my brother and a awesome trip to Letchworth State Park with my nephew Saturday. It was beautiful weather, and amazing surroundings. I would like to go back and get lost on some of the many hiking trails and perhaps do a little white water rafting as well! I hope my Nephew enjoyed it as much as I did! I will have pics and possibly video up hopefully at the end of the week if I get a chance to upload and edit some highlights.
For now, I will post the following picture of the restaurant Kevin and I ate at Saturday night. Loved the name (can you guess why?)and the food was really good, but proved to be elusive at first due to unmarked roads.:)
Something interesting to mention. Kevin had gotten a "people you may know" alert on was PIEHOLE! So Piehole is on FB, and the funny thing is that she only has 2 friends, one lady who looks much like she does if you catch my drift and only one of her daughters. I was tempted to make a fake one up...perhaps Alysa and Erin would like to partake in that little game? Aha hee hee! Aha ho! Tell you what, tomorrow I will post a demo of what that profile may look like, so stay tuned
Sunday was a nice relaxing day at Jim's, a little yard work, some good eatin' and Home Run Derby. I proved to be more coordinated at it than I remembered being. Never hit a home run but did manage to squeak out a few triples. Not too bad for the girl who thought she couldn't play anything using a bat and ball!
That said, I couldn't resist posting the action shot of Jasper...
I read this post after Tuesday's post, now I understand your inspiration for the FB of Piehole. I am sure her real page is not nearly as entertaining as your page!
I hope Kevin is not planning on being her friend, she is not nice....
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