Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Micromanagement and the Dissatisifed Employee

My boss is really being a complete ass this week, and not only to me apparently. The pressure is on from continually slumping sales and Micromanagement rears it's ugly head more and more. There I was, being the Marketing Manager, implementing plans through designers and copywriters and getting stuff done in concert with all parties involved and now my boss suddenly has his hands in the marketing pie and I am a glorified middle man. Once this happened the harmony stopped and it's been a comedy of errors.

I worked my ass off coming into this job 21 months ago with no guidance and I have pulled through with flying colors. In the last 4months I feel like I am in a strangle hold since he now feels he needs to play butcher, baker AND candlestick maker. Today, when I had to call and cancel the photo shoot was definitely the last straw. I felt embarrassed and unprofessional and all because of micromanagement from someone who has no idea what the creative process is, how long it takes and won't listen to me when I explain the timeline I will need to not be rushed and why.

The flame has burst into a raging fire under my cute little patootey and the job hunt is in FULL THROTTLE Mode.

I have heard that micromanagement is rampant in many companies of late due to the economic pressures. I had emailed Lamby about this today and this is what she had to say:

"Yeah, I have heard many similar stories of management people losing it b/c the economy is bad. I’m convinced that is because things were so easy for so long, that people who do not have the skills have risen to positions of power…and they are not equipped to manage in the difficult times."

I think she hit the nail on the head. After losing 1/3 of the workforce in 8 months, a team environment and communication would be their best bet, but apparently they feel they can do/solve everything from Upper Management. Give me a few months and you can do all the marketing you want...without me!


Blogger Artistic Soul said...

My partner has been complaining about this at his workplace too. Even my boss has been paying a little more attention to details ... but in her case, I think she's good at her job, just more stressed about the outcome. It sounds like your boss has been like this for a long time.

8:38 AM, April 22, 2009  

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