Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Movie Crack" Addict

Hi. My name is CC and I am addicted to "Movie Crack".

Unfortunately I have been addicted to "Movie Crack" my entire life. It started at at early age with movies like "Raiders of the Lost Ark", "The Goonies", "Mannequin" and "The Lost Boys". Addictions can happen at any time, and are not necessarily due to the admiration of good cinema since many dreadful movies have become cult classics because of movie crack addicts.

It has been proven that portions of the population are more susceptable than others. This addiction has not been proven to be genetically transferable, although studies have found that it is most common in the youngest child of a large family.
The symptoms of the addiction are powerful, and some are embarrassing. It could for instance, take the form of a movie you have busted on, but are now obsessed with like "Twilight". More common is the addiction to a movie that you identify with on some level.

Inevitably, with extreme cases, once an addiction to a particlar film has run it's course, another film will take it's place. Sometimes, if the individual is lucky, they can have dry spells where no movies are striking a chord. These dry spells do not last for long and if you are not careful, you could relapse into another long addictive state.

Sometimes individuals will become addicted to a movie simply because there is nothing else to obsess over. This is expecially dangerous since you could easily find yourself developing a case of Repetitious Dialogue Syndrome revolving around "Alert the Amphibious Squadron!" from "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow"

Side effects include eye strain, hysterical bouts of laughter, Repetitious Dialogue Syndrome, lack of concentration at work, changes in speech patterns such as including movie quotes in conversations, headache, sleeplessness, upset stomache and manic episodes. Serious side effects include anti-social behavior and ridiculously high standards when it comes to dating.

I am told that admitting you have an addiction is the first step to recovery...


Anonymous henlib said...

Wow, that sounds like someone I know...
is saying "thats my boyfriend!" a symptom too?

7:05 PM, April 16, 2009  
Blogger Artistic Soul said... need to write one for TV addicts like me! :o)

9:32 AM, April 17, 2009  

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