Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April Fool's Day

Why is it that ever time April Fool's Day come around, I can't punk anyone? I usually come up with horribly wicked jokes to play on people, you know the type, where their heart sinks into their stomachs for a split second? Every year I realize that I cannot mess with my friends and family like that, so I never play any pranks. Do unto others I guess, and I would hate to have my heart in my stomach...Ok well I did play a little joke on two people. I texted tham and told them that I quit my job. I am sure by the end of writing this post, I will know if they fell for it or not.

Yep, both of them fell for it. haha. That's crazy!

I actually texted some people that I bought a Wii and Wii Fit this past weekend as well, but that is no joke. I actually did and I LOVE it. Boxing is my favorite, and I love the fact that you can jog in place and your Mii follows a path thru a park as you jog! The exercising is awesome, but another big selling point was the Indiana Jones game that's coming out for Wii where you can punch bad guys and use your whip! Watch the preview of the game here: Staff of Kings game

The April Fool's joke is still going. They are asking me when and how and I am keeping up the charade...just a bit longer!!

I am sooo not into working today. I have a couple of projects to move along, but I am so disenchanted with the process that I hate to put any time and effort into it. I did have the chance to air my concerns and frustrations with my boss yesterday though. He asked me so I told him. My issue is that I also spoke to him about similar things in January and nothing changed, actually things got worse, so why should I be optimistic about this? I am glad I got to say what was on my mind though, or at least one part. I could have thrown TAP uner the bus a few times, but I was professional and didn't. :)

As for the April Fool's joke, one out of the two bought it. The second texted me back about 6 times asking for details etc. That was great! I will now go eat my lunch which consists of chicken sauted in Marsala Wine and green onions, leftovers from a meal I experimented with on Monday night. Yumm!

One more thing. A sad day for Buffy/Angel Fans. I loved you Andy/Lorne!


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