The Pirates are Coming!!!
Tomorrow Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest opens in theaters everywhere! Some are showing tonight at midnight as well!! Don't worry, it's not rated RRRRRRR!!! I am nervous that I will be disappointed b/c when I get excited to see something it usually doesn't deliver. Then I think, "Come on! This is Johnny Depp we're talkin' about here!" and the panic subsides.
I could post POTC pics all day! I have an arsenal full of 'em! Tomorrow I will post a few more for your enjoyment. I am saddened that I do not know when I will get to go see it. Probably not this weekend since Atlanta is too damn far away! :) I still have a few options in the immediate vacinity, but with the weather being so nice, I would rather hang by the pool than sit in a crowded theater with obnoxious people. Savvy? I am sure I will get to see it next week some time, so until then, if you see it, tell me if you loved it or hated it but don't give me details! Jack Says "Make no mistake, my movie is phenomenal and you will enjoy it immensely. Miss CC will see my movie if I have my way. Why? Because I'm Captain Jack Sparrow mates!"
Hey now Jack! There will be no "having" of any kind! This is a family blog!
Ooh! and if you can name the reference in bold above you win a prize!! Well, there's not really a prize, just bragging rights I suppose!
Have a great day! ARRGGHH!!!!
am I right!?!?!
Holy Crap Red! You are correctomundo!! Either that was outragously easy (you are the first to post ang got it right!) or you are an incredibly bright person...I think it's both!:) Yay! You win!
my secret?
I am a cheat!
A fraud!
But ya love me anyway!
wowsers...did you see what gave POTC? (in the movie review section...)
a D+
that's a little harsh, no?
Although I never pay too much attention to critics..they are so self-important in my opinion.
Yeah, I was worried that all the hoopla usually means it's gonna suck...I never listen to critics, I go with my own gut. I have to tell you I am still worried a bit about this flick. I mean it could be a Willy WOnka. the movie sucked but Johnny Depp was fun to watch for 2 hours...Argh!
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