Monday, November 28, 2005

Leftover Piehole

Mmmm. Thanksgiving was great! Lots of food, some games, a nap and a Turkey samwich! Now that I am all rested and fed I can come back to work and do what I do best...BLOG! Hope you enjoy this little pieceof leftover PieHole!

The following is a communique sent from PieHole to a few family members she thought would italicized blue parenthesis are my comments. No corrections in grammer or spellings have been made besides name alterations to protect the innocent and preserve the integrity (or lack thereof) of the email.

"Hey ,

Well Adeline and I are lucky to be alive.......

I was driving to pick up Sadie and Gem at dance last Tuesday around 5:15...a little dusk and Adeline was in the back seat behind me and 2 deer hit my van. One deer hit the slider and smashed it good (flew over the van and landed dead on theother side of the road)and the other hit the front and took out the front lights..etc...needless to say the airbags came on the deployed.(the airbags either came on or they deployed...notice the duplicity of her personality coming thru...) the passenger side shatter the mirror over the seat all over the car and the other airbag went off so forcefully that it hurt both my arms (awww poor baby) and bruised my stomach(maybe if it didn't stick out so far!!) and caused much wipe lash. (Wipe Lash. Never heard of that. I better look that one up!) Adeline didn't get any mirror slivers but I got some in my hand. (did it cut a major vein?) But I got them out thank god. (God should be capitalized in my opinion. She is an Evil woman!!) When the deers hit they were so large they stopped my car .(Deers...does that mean a plural of a plural? and they HAD to be big to stop large Marge comin' at ya!) and when the airbags deployed the car filled with smoke and I thought the car was on fire so I grabbed Adeline and ran to the side walk. (I highly doubt she ran...) It only happened less than a mile from the house on that long road near the house.(Did this accident happen near her house?)

Tim was getting ready to fly to Atlanta at 7:00 thank god he was home. (again with the God non- capitalization) Adeline 's head was very sore and her neck for 2 days (bad wipe lash for her) (I've got it! I was confusing it with Whiplash!!! Wipe Lash: a condition in which muscles in the arm are pulled from performing a wiping action too quickly) .....but she is better and my arms were really swollen (sorry to break it to ya PieHole, they were "swollen" before the accident!)!)and my body hurt from the airbags deploying they saved me but they are so forceful they really hurt me. (I'd like to be forceful and hurt you...) But I feel better today. But mentally depressed...our car is totaled and the insurance is only giving us 3700.....WE went to look at used vans last night and new ones....that is enough to make someone sick!!!! (You are enough to make me sick you mentally deranged fiend!!!) Everything is so expensive and car dealers...yuck!!!..........WE have a rental car from our insurance but need to get something soon. ( oh and Tim did fly out on time ..I drove him to the airport in the Honda......just Made his flight.....) (I am sure Tim is mentally depressed. If you were working, getting another van would not be a problem!!!)
So xmas will be fun!! (What exactly is xmas!?) ....and limited as we had no car payments since June (if you have had no car payments since June, why would Christmas be limited? You would actually have 5 months of car payments that never left your bank account! Where did all those car payments go? ) ....Honda paid off and the van.......But it gets better (I can't wait to hear this) we just had the van inspected in Sept..we put new tires and new brakes...$830 worth....all to go to the stupid DEERS!!!!! ('s so terrible, you have a new home, your family is healthy and was not badly injured, Christmas wil be terrible for sure!!!And those damn Deers !!There are so many of them!!!!)
So what is exciting in your life??????........................................................


This is just another example of the crazy that is PieHole. Can you imagine the thoughts that would have been typed if it weren't for those pesky little ............................ all over? Her writing is horrendous, her spelling, grammer and overall knowledge of the english language perplexes me! There is no doubt there is a clinical reason for it. I think this email was written and sent to certain people as a cry for charity and help.

Maybe we all could help. Post your comments on the topic of helping poor PieHole get back on her feet after this terrbile tradgedy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say send her some coal in the mail anonymously. Nothing says you've been a bad girl like coal on Christmas!!

11:59 AM, November 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did she really need the airbags? couldn't her tummy done the trick?

and what's with the WE?

WE have to do...and WE went...well not sh*t honey - you were the one who hit the deer! LOL LOL

terrible...i'm terrible and going to h-e-double hockey sticks! LOL

2:16 PM, November 28, 2005  
Blogger Amy said...

Buy lots of Christmas presents for Addeline (poor kid, whatta name!)& there, that should fix 'em. Love the run-ons though...classic.

2:37 PM, November 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and why is the WE capitalized?!

ok...clearly I've got some issues that the WE is really bugging me!


4:19 PM, November 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey - just read the last line of this post....

can pie hole even see her feet?

bad...bad girl. agh. why do I say these things (because they make me giggle...) oh yeah!

12:57 PM, November 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Piehole sounds as ignorant as ever. She needs to take a writing class.They didnt get hurt, the car is insured and she is WHINING.
Also, that is not smoke it is powder that is released when an airbag deploys. The Poor DEERS!!

10:48 PM, November 29, 2005  

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