Monday, September 15, 2008

CC's Summer Movie Recap

This summer was an interesting one movie wise. The theater landscape was a mixture of rocky crevices, lush jungles and lofty mountains, contrasting between the biggest disappointment, great surprises and the most incredible of films. Some of these I reviewed extensively, while others I didn't mention here, so these will be brief reviews.

Movies I Saw:

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: This was a "Tell me the bad news first" type of starter for the Summer. Was this meant to be an Indiana Jones Adventure? Yea, it sucked so much that I thought my summer movie season was over before it began... Definitely the deep, unforgiving crevice of the season.

Iron Man: Iron Man is my HERO. He saved me from the doldrums of Indy 4 and breathed some much needed new life into a stagnant Super Hero Genre. Robert Downey Jr. is the shit. I LOVE him, so glad he is back in the saddle and entertaning us all again!

Wanted: Angie is cool, but James McAvoy stole the spotlight. This movie was wickedly funny and violent at the same time. Very fun movie, some great stunts, but you will only like it if you can suspend your disbelief and just go with it! (No, Bullets cannot be curved...)

The Dark Knight: What can I say that I haven't already said, or shown you? I am obsessed, I admit it proudly. This movie KICKED SOME SERIOUS ASS. Not that there weren't a few things they could have done differently, but this movie was as close to the PERFECT SUPER HERO MOVIE that you can get. My pick as BEST MOVIE and it better break the mold and get some Oscar Noms! Ooh eee Ha AHA!

Tropic Thunder: Totally a guy movie, nasty, gross and just seriously twisted but funny. I laughed so hard I was crying at times. With a cast like Ben Stiller, Jack Black, and Robert Downey Jr (he's been a busy boy!) how can it not be a riot when the filming of a war movie in a jungle in Asia goes terribly wrong. Sprinkled with memorable peripheral roles by Matthew McConaughey and especially Tom Cruise, (among others) this movie is just so ridiculous you have to have a great time watching it. Some great newcomers as well to keep an eye out for. "Everybody knows you never go full retard."

Pineapple Express: This movie will make you laugh, tho not as hard as you would if you were half-baked. Seth Rogan is entertaining, but James Franco steals the show along with Danny McBride who seems indistructable (and very busy this summer since he was in Tropic Thunder as well!). Two bumbling tokers on the run from a big time drug dealer and the possibilities are endless. Best Scene: Diner at the end where they recap highlights of their adventure. RIOT.

Movies I Missed but Will Rent:

  1. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (Hey! It's the Mummy! I cant resist!
  2. Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (Saw the first, why not the second)
  3. Hancock (A drunk super hero? Probably time wasted, but why not!)
  4. The Happening (I know: Curiosity Killed the cat: his films are beautifully filmed tho...)
  5. Love Guru (Come on, Mike Myers makes me laugh)
  6. Don't Mess with the Zohan (Adam Sandler is not consistant, but he sucks me in)
  7. Wall-E (Maybe I would sit thru this with my nephew, I have heard it is cute)
  8. Get Smart (Interested to compare to the show that was hysterical!)
Movies I Avoided:
  1. X-Files (I believe... That your run is over and it's time to put that franchise to bed)
  2. Speed Racer (Green Screens, there anything real in that movie? Oh the actors? Maybe not!)
  3. HellBoy (Hell no!)
  4. Incredible Hulk (Apparently the first one wasn't bad enough so they tried again with different people... He's like the worst super hero EVER!)
  5. Sex and the City (I must be the only female who doesn't really give a shit if Carrie ends up with Mr. Big...)

I think the basic feel for the season can be summed up in one phrase "I am uncomfortable, but I like it" All of the movies I saw made me uncomfortable, but I was laughing the entire time. I enjoy a dichotomy of emotions in film, especially comedy and violence. It's hard to do both and do them well, and all of them did it well (with exception to Indy).


Blogger Sparkles said...

haha.. i saw 4 out of the 6 movies with you :) the only one i didn't see was iron man.

oh and don't forget about my justin T. in love guru as "Jacques Grande"... haha i just think that's hilarious!!

and you are definitely NOT the only female that doesn't give a shit about carrie and.. who did you say?.. mr. big?? yeah, as you can see, i am right there with you on that one!

12:30 PM, September 15, 2008  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

I agree with Sparkles---who the F is Carrie? ( Ok, I do know who she is, I just could not care less)

3:04 PM, September 15, 2008  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

"E" is waiting for you to see

3:05 PM, September 15, 2008  

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