RUSH Concert: July 5th 2008
Can I just tell you how much I enjoyed RUSH the second time around? Sure I saw them in September of 2007, for the same tour, but they totally mixed it up and added some new stuff which made it that much more awesome!
My nephews and sister-in-law invited me to join them again and this time Nate accompanied us. Tom got some great pics throughout our journey so I thought I would doctor them up a bit and post a little silly timeline here on the blog.
5 P.M. We stopped to eat our subs for dinner at a park before the concert:Kim and Nate: What a nice picture!
CC, Tom and Kevin deep in thought.
6:15-6:45 P.M. While waiting in line to be admitted to the concert Tom took a few pics and I couldn't resist:Aunt CC tries her best to embarrass her nephews and easily just makes herself look even worse...nice!?
7:00-8:00 P.M. Tom and Kevin had the camera at their seats inside. (Kim, Nate and I were out on the lawn) Looks like they were getting a contact high inside as well!
8 P.M. - And some serious pics Tom took at the concert of RUSH! Great job Tom! Geddy is sooo CUTE the way he bops around, runs, jumps and sways on stage. This guy loves what he does and it shows! (No Getty, Thank YOU!!!) I was bummed he wasn't wearing his Chucks Taylor's, but he totally KILLED on the bass. I think he was more "on" and let it loose more in this concert than in Ottowa back in September. The man seriously ROCKED!!!
Ah, Neil is the MASTER on those drums! Watching him play is like watching a superhuman. "Damn!!" and "HOLY SHIT!" commonly come out of my mouth when I watch him. He is so amazing I just can't even put into words how much respect I have for him as a percussionist.
Alex is my dude! I LOVE to watch him play. The passion he plays with that I could always hear, I have now literally SEEN in him on stage (twice)! He truly speaks through his instruments (guitars etc). With all that energy and emotion, he gave me chills!!!
Ha! This was taken during my favorite song off their new album: Working Them Angels!!!! AWESOME!!!!!
These guys ROCK, they love what they do, they still have the fire and are wonderfully entertaining. I am so glad I could see them again. What a great start to my summer! (Thanks Kim and company!)
Just to let you know, Alex is now my desktop photo. Just for a few days tho, Batman/Joker/Harvey Dent need to get back up there!:)
Keep Alex on your desktop!! Geddy will soon be on my desk. Too bad about the Aquapods, it would have been a perfect concert. I agree with you, this concert was just as amazing as the one in September, we had a great time with you once again!! (you forgot to mention the Dukes of Hazzard car ride)
Yea! When crossing traffic from parking lot to parking lot you gotta punch it and sometimes it fits to yell "Yeeee-Haaww!!!" at the top of your lungs just like the Duke boys!
Of course that's not as fun if you are in the back seat with a fresh and full cup of java or Hot chocolate right boys?
I Love Aqua Pods!!!!
Love E.
I almost feel as if I were there...
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