It's Time to Come Clean...
OK. I admit it. I am obsessed. Obsessed enough to hide the truth.
I need to be honest about my activities this summer.
The first incident was shortly after my second time seeing the Dark Knight. I searched for a book that was recommended and found that my local B & N had it in stock in paperback. I went in but could not find it, so I had to ask the reference desk to help. I couldn't even stomach that I was an adult female looking for a Batman Novel called "Batman: Inferno" so I told the reference lady it was for my nephew. The dishonesty didn't stop there because once we found the book I told the lady at the checkout that I needed a gift receipt, because obviously that book was not for me.
I know. I am a sad, sad girl. Why couldn't I fess up that I love Batman stuff and I wanted to purchase this novel for light summer reading? Well Now I am! I can't help it and the first step is admitting it. Do they have a BA? Batman Anonymous? (ahee, Aha aha)
Hey, this book was entertaining and a quick read. It was a perfect summer read for me, since I am not like most women who enjoy a tawdry romance novel. The chapters about the Joker made me laugh out loud especially the parts where he had stolen a batsuit and the batmobile and was running around Gotham as a deranged poser. It was just fun.My obsession didn't stop there. The Dark Knight had taken many hints from a 13 issue Comic book series called "The Long Halloween" which follows the mystery of the Holiday killer and the creation of Two-Face. This was later put into book form and I found a copy in my library system so I put a hold on it.
When it came in I was excited because I have not read many comics, tho I admit the few I have read have been Batman Comics. Some of the art I thought was amazing, the story was interesting and the story board rip-offs (I mean that in a good way) that were used in the Dark Knight movie were great to find as I read. It was like these little gems popped off the page and I was even more impressed with Nolan's film than I already was. The guy did his homework and paid homage to the mythology of Batman in so many ways.
It doesn't stop there my friends...I have three more graphic novels I want to read: "Dark Victory", "The Killing Joke" and "Hush". I hope my library has all three.
OK, so what's the big news. We all knew you had a Batman obsession. Come On! Give me something I can use!
hahaha!!! would you like me to check???
You are pathetic!! The least you could do is LEND the book to one of your nephews (Nathan!). I love the fact that you even got a gift receipt. Kevin is hoping to work at Borders this summer, I can hear him snickering if he ever had to cash you out!
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