Thursday, July 17, 2008

Why is Batman is My Favorite? Character.

Everyone has a favorite superhero, right? Mine of course is Batman. From a very young age and the insanely campy Batman Series that I watched in re-runs in the early 80's, I was in love with Batman. I was in love with Zorro too, so maybe I had an unhealthy attraction to men wearing masks all dressed in black, but I digress...

Why is Batman my favorite? It's not the millionaire playboy, or the cool gadgets or the awesome wheels, because every superhero has something like that. What does Batman have that they don't? He is human. He has no special powers due to an accident or because he comes from another planet. Bruce Wayne is a man. A man with conviction and character.

When Bruce Wayne loses both of his parents at a young age at the hands of a killer he is plagued with thoughts of guilt and revenge. He grows up under guidance of Alfred Penneyworth, goes to college and finally disappears for about 7 years.
He's not living it up in the French Riviera like most millionaires would be, he is traveling the world, learning what he can about various combat skills and fighting styles, the memory of his parent's death spurring him on.

On his return to Gotham city, he learns more about his skills, his purpose and how distructive a vengeful heart can be. Although he struggles to lift himself out of retaliation, he realizes that he, an ordinary man, CAN have power over evil. He CAN use his skills to protect the citizens of Gotham. His fight becomes not only for the memory of his slain parents, but for every living person in Gotham.

Sure Superman has super strength, Spiderman can swing from webs and scale walls and the Fantastic 4 are well, "Fantastic", but would any of them be able to do what Batman does without all their special powers? Batman has honed his human skills physically AND mentally to keep up with the super-powers in other comic book universes. There is something to be said about the focus and commitment to a cause when you have to work harder than anyone elsebecause you have no special aides!

Yes, we are talking about a comic book character who has become larger than life on the big screen, but it's not about the costume or the gadgets. What is most important is what this character stands for in reality's terms. It's all about strength in character, resolve to do what's right and the commitment to a cause. These are things that all of us as HUMANS can strive for.

Bruce Wayne takes advantage of his assets, educates himself and returns to his home to do what is right. He is not afraid to get out there (kick some ass) and stand up for what he believes in. He has strong family ties, and respects the advice and guidance given to him by his faithful butler and family friend Alfred.

Batman is my favorite because of the idea that he is human and achieves extraordinary things. He works hard, respects others and never backs down. Men with CHARACTER like that are hard to find, and now you know why, even as an adult , I am still a fan of Batman.

"It's not who I am underneath, but what I *do* that defines me."


Blogger Sparkles said...

AWESOME!! can't wait for tonight!!!! :)

1:56 PM, July 17, 2008  

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