Christian Bale
With the release of The Dark Knight only 1 week away I thought I would do a post about the talented Christian Bale. I have enjoyed his work long before he became my favorite super hero and he continues to impress me with film choices and acting abilities.
Here are some facts and quotes regarding this versatile and insightful actor.
Interesting Facts:
A devoted animal lover, Christian has two dogs [Mojo and Ramone] and three cats [Miriam, Molly, and Lilly], which are all strays that he found.
The nameplate on his trailer for Batman Begins (2005) read "Bruce Wayne" as opposed to Bale's name.
If he plays an American character, he will use an American accent in all the interviews related to the film. He says he does this so the audience isn't confused. He admitted that because Batman is "such an American icon", he had decided not to perform his promotional interviews for the movie Batman Begins (2005) in his natural mixed Welsh/British accent. He instead spoke in an almost-inflection less mid-American accent, only revealing his dialectic roots with a few words.
"I think there's a kind of pretentiousness to the idea that serious work is only found in low-budget independent movies--I can't stand that snobbery."
"I always like that. Whenever there's a project where everyone's going, "Oooooh, it's a bit dodgy", I always like it. If you actually look at it, there tends not to be anything risky at all. Why did I start acting in the first place? I didn't do it to be mediocre or to please everybody all the time."
"I like being kept in the dark myself. You know, like mushrooms: Keep 'em in the dark and feed 'em shit. See, I think that's an enjoyable vegetable to be."
"At first, I was somewhat hesitant to do the role [Batman Begins (2005)]. I mean, after all, Batman is an icon. But I remember, as clear as day, being at the grocery store the day the movie opened, and this little boy saw me. He couldn't have been more than five years old. He just walked right up to me and hugged me. He hugged me, and I was so moved by it that I hugged him back. Then he looked up at me and said, "You're my hero." And in that moment, I knew that not only as an actor that I had done my job, but that I had made the right decision to play Batman. And I've never looked back on my the decision to play Batman since."
"It's the actors who are prepared to make fools of themselves who are usually the ones who come to mean something to the audience." (Click on image for larger view)
Ha! Holy crap! I have participating (along the fringe) of the Batman Viral Campaign, you know, getting emails and phone calls from Jim Gordon, The Gotham City Police Department, Harvey Dent's Campaing etc. and it has been so fun to follow the viral.
Today I was checking up on the Viral explosion lately on the wikibruce and as I was laughing 'til it hurt (I was litterally out of breath and crying here people!)my cell phone rang.
It was a 000-000-0000 number and a recording told me that certain parts of Gotham were shut down due to a huge bank robbery. Then I heard other voices breaking in and finally the JOKER laughs maniacally and hangs up!!!
(and yes I realize this is not reality, it just happens to be more fun at the moment than work!!)
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