Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Final Viral Marketing

Good God people! This viral marketing thing was AMAZING! How much fun to put your anticipation energy into something like this! I only wish I had found out at the beginning! What I did participate in was fun tho and these links will take you to what I consider the BEST of the final sillies: Jokerized websites!

These are my 3 Favorite "Jokerized Sites" and an honorable mention
(Click on the link to see the site and "laugh 'til it hurts!")

Honorable Mention: Gotham National Bank

#3: Rossi's Delicatessen

#2: Betty's House of Pies

and my FAVORITE Jokerized Site of the campaign is:


Another AWESOME viral marketing move was captured on video on July 10th.

The Batsignal was shown on the Woolworth Building in NYC and the Sears Tower in Chicago. Here is the video from the Woolworth Building in NYC:

On July 10th the Batsignal returned in both Chi-town and NYC, but this time they had been Jokerized!! Check out the NYC video:

Creative, silly and a laugh riot. I am so working in the wrong industry!!! Admit it! Between the and the jokerized would have thought I WAS working for these guys!

In case you are interested in following what has happened when the viral started over a year ago in May 2007, (yes, this has been going on for 14 months!) check out this WIKI which kept tabs the entire time!


Blogger C.C. said...

I have heard some grumblings about how maybe it's not right that they are using Heath Ledger's voice and image as the Joker to market the movie so much...Seriously? Come on!

Look, this viral thing was planned and going on LONG before Mr. Ledger made his "mistake". This is THE most highly anticiapted movie of the summer, they were going to market the SHIT out of it even when he was still alive!

They will continue to market and sell things with his image because that's what he signed up to do. They don't just decide to do campaigns like this out of the blue three months before the movie drops! Hello?

Imagine how much money in royalties and merchandising his daughter will get from this one movie ALONE.

I see nothing wrong with how they have handeled the situation with his death. They have been very respectful, even posting a memorial page for months before allowing the offical site to carry anything about the movie. I also hear there might be a tribute of some sort at the end of the movie.

I know: The mini-rant could have been a post...Whatever! now you know!

11:40 AM, July 16, 2008  

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