Monday, February 12, 2007

Grammy Recap: The Winners, the Heartbreakers & The Confusion

I usually don't care about awards shows in general, but I was so psyched to watch the Grammy's last night becasue not only was Sting reuniting with the Police, but the Red Hot Chili Peppers were performing as well! I DVR'd it but I watch the whole thing anyway.


  • The Police started the show out with yet another rendition of Roxanne. Sting just amuses me in how he reinvents that song practically every time he performs it live. Bravo to them! It would be a MEGA money maker if they got together to do an reunion album of songs. We'll have to wait and see I guess!
  • Prince, in all his coolness introduced none other than Beyonce for her performance. He just walked up on stage, gave that sly little smile, introduced her and turned back around. That just cracked me up because one of the only funny skits on SNL these days is "The Prince Show" and Beyonce cohosts with him... THEN Prince had placed an ad in the last 1/4 of the program thanking all the fans and everyone who watched the superbowl halftime show. He wrote that he and the band had so much fun and would remember that for a long time. How cool is that? Very nicely done Prince.
  • Gnarles Barkley did an interesting rendition of his song "Crazy". Dressed like Airline pilots it was hysterical, especially if you had seen them previously perform tha song at the MTV Music Awards (I think) dressed as Star Wars characters.
  • Lionel Ritchie still seems to have it. His abreviated "Hello" was beautiful. Christina Aguillera nailed her homage to James Brown. For a little girl, she has got a set of pipes!

Yeah so I stayed up until 11:30am last night b/c I was jonesin' to see the Chili Peppers perform. They kept hyping it as "a very special performance" "a performance you won't forget" and when it came time to ROCK OUT, 1/2 the Chilis were asleep on their feet. Firstly, they played the subdued, although good song "Snow (Hey Oh)" which I was hoping for the more upbeat "Dani California" or "Tell Me Baby". Next, John couldn't keep up with his own harmonies and backup vocals and Anthony looked like he had no clue where he was, seemed confused and I think he screwed up a few lyrics. Flea was amazing as usual. He was his normal "crazy jump around play the shit out of that bass Flea" and Chad was in great form keepin' the dream alive on the drums.

I was so disappointed in Anthony and John I was actually shouting at the tv (Ok I was whispering b/c my roommate had already gone to bed) "What is WRONG with you guys?" It was such a lack luster boring performance and Anthony didn't dance much or seem to have the heart to belt out the song at all. All in all, they SUCKED! Come on guys!!! You won some awards b/c you ROCK, and this performance definately didn't add up to your usual spunk!

  • Firstly, Why did we have to listen to 3 Eagles songs...especially when Rascal Flatts massacred them? One song would have been plenty. Noone played a Doors tune and the Doors were honored with lifetime achievement awards as well! I love the Eagles, but it was a bit much.
  • What is the big hype with Mary J Blige? Does anyone not realize that she couldn't carry a tune in a bucket? She should be asking herself "What's my pitch?". Maybe she should stick with writing and composing and not sing. It was like everyone was kissing her ass last night, and I was a little confounded as to why exactly someone refered to her as "Musical Royalty".
  • What is the deal with him Justin Timberlake? He puts out a CD with a provacative title that only has 3 decent songs on it and everyone is catering to him? It was like the Justin Timberlake show with his lame attempt at reality TV.
  • A little spooky was the drapping of the "Godfather of Soul" cape over the microphone. The look on the guy's face who did it, was a little unsettling I thought. I understood the reason but it was just kinda creepy.

In my opinion I think they should scrap the awards show for the Grammy's. I think they should just have the major winners perform and have a big concert night pretty much like last night since there were more performances than awards, and call it the Grammy Award Winning Performances 2007 or something. Overall it was a lopsided show allowing the undertalented to dominate the performances but with a few shining moments stuck in between.
to that effect.


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