Random Things in London & Wales
Randomness is everywhere, tho if it makes sense that you notice certain thing, is it randomness or is it kismet? Here are some "random" happenings from my trip...which ones do you think were actually more fate?
The squirrels in Hyde park were VERY friendly and photogenic:
This tree was so neat. Paths went inside it, almost like a little hobbit hole:
A very modern sculpture was being worked on here. The contrast in buildings was interesting:
Put some money in his tin and he'll ride his bike and ring his bell:
Yep, I made a friend along the Thames...
Our Inn in Wales had a few of these beautiful wood carvings on the walls:
A giant and a midget knight? That is kinda creepy Tower of London!
SO I am soaked and my hair looks like Medusa, But I am ready to defend the Tower my Lord!
Um hi Buffy! What are you doing here all alone on the banks of the Thames? (NOW are you all with me on Alysa reminding me of SMG?)
So many people have asked if I took a picture of the guards...So here he is. Not really sure what the big attraction is, BUT when he moved around I thought I had found the Ministry of Silly Walks!!!
Ahh, at judgement he holds the scrolls of your sins... Master Po this is for you!
The door reads:
"Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan
Study Room,
Enquiries and Students
10.00 - 13.00, 14.00 - 16.30
Monday -Friday"

This is what a REAL Crystal Skull looks like Dr. Jones... altho this was found to be a fraud because it was proven to be made by machine, not by hands of the Aztecs.

Click on this picture to see a larger view...read what is shown on the face of St. Paul's. Definitely fitting, and hence FATE.

CC- I'm really enjoying the pictures...the last one was great! So true!
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I gotta know...did you go under the tree...into the hobbit hole?
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