Friday, July 25, 2008

Batman 3: What will follow The Dark Knight?

With the huge success of the Dark Knight, there has been a lot of speculation out there about whether or not there will be a 3rd installment to the current Batman movies starring Christian Bale. I have my own theories and while it is premature to discuss since the sweat on Batman's brow is not even wiped away from this last adventure, I thought I would get myself on record. In the end it is really up to Christopher Nolan's creative team, and I am sure they already have stories cooked up. Take your time fellas, I will wait another 3 years if I have to (like we did for The Dark Knight) if it will be that good!

Look, of course they are being coy about storyline and if indeed Nolan will do a third movie, but with an opening weekend of kick ass box office returns you know it would be a dumb move to NOT do it. Nolan better get a grip on it, because if he doesn't want to do another one Warner Brother's will have someone else come in and it will ruin it...Even tho they have contracts for a thrid movie I would hope Bale will bow out, along with most of that cast, and then we would be stuck with another Jerry Bruckheimer catastrophe...just sayin'.

Nightmarish thoughts aside, here are my thoughts/predictions: (Oh, and sorry about the **Spoiler** . I marked it with a ** so you can highlight with your mouse to read it if you want. )

  • Theme: Batman Begins centered around "FEAR", The Dark Knight around "ESCALATION" and I agree with the idea that "REDEMPTION" will be the theme for the third movie. Batman, now on the run from everyone in Gotham, especially the police, will need to save the day and redeem himself so that bat signal will once again shine in the night sky over the city.
  • **Villian #1: Two-Face. Lots of good character groundwork was laid here to build upon for a third movie, of course there are varying thoughts on this. People who say that Harvey Dent Died in the movie are right, but Two-Face didn't die. Did anyone listen to the exchange between Gordon and Batman? Nolan is smart enough to not kill his villains (sorry Tim Burton).
  • Villian #2: Ra's Al Ghul disappeared in Begins, maybe he will come back to cash in on Batman's fall from grace with the people of Gotham? There are TONS of villians, but the first one that popped into my head that might work would be The Mad Hatter as long as they separate him from Jokerish tendencies: Mind control is his specialty... fitting in well with controlling the masses to continue to hate and hunt Batman. AND He would have interesting scenes with Two-Face because which mind would he control? HAHAH! Who would play him? Even tho Johnny Depp loves to wear hats he is not on my list, so how about my top three? Peter Sarsgaard, Paul Bettany or perhaps Jonathan Rys Meyers???
  • Who should NOT be Included? No Riddler because that character is too close to the Joker in many ways. I cannot see the Penguin being bad enough to warrent a storyline, Mr. Freeze is too far fetched. I love Catwoman, but I highly doubt it because Catwoman has already been done...twice. I would be upset if Bane made it in and they followed the storyline of the comics: he breaks Batman's back paralyzing him in a fight and some hack has to take over as NO! Poison Ivy is annoying, Egghead? I don't think so, but there are many other villains to chose from!
  • Peripheral Villians: The Joker is out. Unfortunately noone can come close to Heath Ledger's performance, AND Nolan wouldn't rather let the Joker hang out in Arkham Asylum than reprise the role and ruin it. My idea is that there would be a glimpse of Arkham's dark hallways, and you hear that maniacal Joker laugh coming from a cell (which could be edited in from Heath Ledger's actual past performance)....Scarecrow would stick his head to the bars across the hall and yell something crazy back at him ... That would be a decent tribute I think, and about the only thing I would agree to them doing with Heath's Joker...
  • NO ROBIN! I will not stand for that crap! Christian Bale says there will be no Robin, and I am with him on that. Just say NO to the bird boy!
  • Love Interest: In my opinion the story doesn't necessarily need one, altho we all enjoy a good damsel in distress. I think he would be too scarred to get into another relationship after Dark Knight. Whatever happens I hope they don't throw in a "Chase Meridian" style character who happens to be dating Bruce at the time and gets caught in the crossfire! That would SUCK. If anything, an introduction of Selina Kyle would be the most doable, but let's do something different. What about Talia Al Ghul? Especially if Ra's comes back...
  • I hope they revisit Wayne Manor and the Batcave! It's about time that place was rebuilt and utilized again!

OK, so I have gone on record finally, since I had thoughts of this before The Dark Knight came out. I was right on with the premise for Indiana Jones (except for the alien shit and the fact that it SUCKED monkey brains), SO let's see how I do with this!!

Thanks for sticking with me through Batman Week #2!!!

What do you think the 3rd Batman will entail?


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